Writing Projects


Following the theme of "Home" I am going to look at various ways this month of working from home.

I am going to ask some questions, and answer some questions, such as:

  • Why work from home?
  • How many different ways are there to work from home?
  • Are there any real work at home jobs?
  • Is working at home for you?
  • Can working from home help save the environment?
  • What is Freelancing?
  • How can you make a success of Freelancing?
  • Can Freelancing enable you to work from home?
What is telecommuting?

according to Wikipedia:
Telecommuting, e-commuting, e-work, telework, working at home (WAH), or working from home (WFH) is a work arrangement in which employees enjoy limited flexibility in working location and hours. In other words, the daily commute to a central place of work is replaced by telecommunication links.
Zemanta Pixie


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