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How can I apply to one of these jobs?

I was left an anonymous message on Chatango, saying "How Can I apply to one of these jobs?"

I assume that you mean the jobs that are listed on

The answer is to sign up with (free) and you have to bid for them. There will be other people bidding, but these are real jobs and everyone has an equal chance of being accepted. It is obviously preferable to the client if you list your experience when making a bid. There are extensive help files on

I hope this helps.

If you were referring to some of the other jobs not listed on , then each situation is different, and sometimes you have to contact the employer directly by visiting the website.

I am going to publish a freelancing newsletter to help you step by step through the freelancing process.

Watch this space, and leave a comment here if you are interested.

PS. The Chatango system will leave a message for me, but if you wish me to contact you back directly you will need to leave a name and email address.

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