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Who is to more to blame for poor soccer team performances: Players or manager? Debate

A soccer/football ball.Image via Wikipedia
Soccer / Football 

Who is to blame for poor performance? Manager or Players
The role of a football manager is broadly comparable with the same role in the business world and as such she or he must take full responsibility when things go wrong in the long term.  The manager needs to pick the best team to win the game, in the knowledge that the players that make up the team are the right ones for their unique roles and are trained well and fully motivated for the task ahead.

A good manager will have excellent inter-personal skills and be able to communicate their ideas well to the players. They will make good decisions, at the appropriate time. This is especially true in soccer as it is in business. On the field of play, wise tactical decisions and good communication with the players will enable the team to effectively carry out the managers orders.

Much is often made of the expensive salaries that football players are on, with the negative assumption that if they are not performing well on the pitch, that they are overpaid and disinterested, and therefore responsible for a teams lack of success. While this may have some basis in truth at some times from a fans point of view, it does not tell the whole story.
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